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Competency Based Management

Tre Canns



Competencies are fundamental aspects for both employees within a workplace, and the managers in charge of said employees’ area of work. For the professionals working as employees within a company or organisation, their respective competencies denote the abilities and capabilities that they have in regards to performing certain tasks or work. For management, taking note of a respective employee’s competencies and utilising them to the fullest extent possible allows for increased productivity and other improvements in the workplace. By paying attention to the competencies of those within a company or organisation, managers can ensure that they are working within the right field and remain motivated in all the ways necessary. Our training course on Competency-Based Management seeks to provide professionals with the knowledge and ideas they need to optimise employee contributions within the entire organisation, while also attaining an understanding of how to motivate and empower employees, particularly in accordance with their respective competencies.

Competencies are in themselves, the qualities and aptitudes possessed by a person for a myriad of different fields of work. They differ from skills in the sense that they are inherent trait, as opposed to something learned and attained through training or studying. While competencies can be trained and honed, they cannot necessarily be learned. Competency management is the term used to refer to the style of management in which employee knowledge and behavioural patterns are enhanced and developed by managers, focusing on the overall growth of their competencies. It allows managers to clearly identity every competency of each employee, while also analysing how these competencies apply to and work towards the goals of a respective company or organisation. Following this, competency managers can then create development plans for employees that require work on particular competencies, while also monitoring and measuring the progress of both competency development and work completed by other employees.

Competency management is a useful strategizing tool for a number of different reasons. By utilising different competency management techniques and frameworks, competency managers are able to determine the areas in which a company or organisation’s workforce must be optimised and enhanced, so as to allow for an overall better performance and increased productivity. As well as this, sufficient competency management permits managers to plan in advance for how different roles within the workplace need to be filled with both existing and future talent, if relevant. Succession planning such as this ensures that the business can continue to operate with little to no disruption if there is a change in personnel at any given stage. Employee retention is also likely to improve under successful competency management; by paying attention to employee needs and investing time and effort into the development of their competencies and abilities, they are far more likely to feel valued by the company or organisation they represent, thereby staying in their role for longer. Competency management yields a significant number of different boons if utilised properly, and is an essential component of management within any business.

Through our training course on Competency-Based Management, we instruct individuals on the ins and outs of competency management, providing a deeper understanding of how to utilise competencies to yield the greatest benefit for one’s respective business. Our training course focuses on providing attendees with how to properly distinguish between skills and competencies, while also teaching how to properly motivate employees according to their respective competencies. By taking part in our Competency-Based Management training course, prospective and current managers alike will attain the skills and understandings necessary to perform their role as proficiently and successfully as possible. 


Check out our Youtube video below:





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