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Finance and Accounting Articles

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In this section , we add our latest Finance and Accounting Articles.These articles are written by our valuable and knowledgeable instructors and authors .

Entries in this blog

Cash Flow Statement Workshop

It is an indisputable fact that within the day-to-day operations of a company or organisation, monitoring both accounts payable and accounts receivable is of significant importance. By regularly performing an analysis of how much money a business has coming in versus how much is being expended, it becomes more possible to easily check the financial health of one’s company or organisation. Data on this financial health is regularly recorded in the form of a cash flow statement, which can be used

Business and Financial Modelling

For any company or organisation, developing an effective and realistic financial model is critical to their success. At a time in which many different organisations may seek to increase the overall value of their business, and a time in which different stakeholders and investors are placing increasingly higher importance levels on the organisation they are a part of, having a financial modelling system that is successful and efficient ensures that businesses will be able to operate in accordance

Budgeting, Planning and Management Reporting

At the heart of any company or organisation, there are a number of elements that should be respected and utilised as optimally as possible in order to ensure that operations are able to proceed with little or no challenges whatsoever. For example, great attention and care must be paid to planning budgets, as they ultimately determine how much can and will be invested into a respective project, as well as the company’s financial trajectory and long term strategic vision. Proper budget management

Accounts Payable - From Accounting to Management

When it comes to the running of any financial operations within an organisation, the Accounts Payable Course must be considered as an aspect of great importance, as it plays a substantial role in the accurate recording and calculating of an organisation’s finances. It helps in conveying any payments that an organisation must make to external sources, such as suppliers. This course focusses on teaching individuals about how accounts payable functions as a whole, works as the best methods for the

Accounting, Decision Making and Financial Communication

When it comes to the running an organisation, the accounting department plays a noteworthy role in the management and recording of many of the organisation’s financial matters. If an accounting department is able to accurately and efficiently aggregate all information regarding its respective organisation’s financial health, it can enable the organisation to make many important financial decisions based on the information. It also helps in improving financial communication between the organisati

Accounting Policies and Procedures

Accounting Policies and Procedures are necessary for any professional, business or organisation in order to manage, record and monitor their respective finances. They refer to the multiple standards and criteria utilised to create and arrange financial statements, as well as the processes utilised in the aforementioned creation and arrangement of a professional accounting course. Accounting policies and procedures are indispensable for making sure that any accounting that takes place is don
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